
SILVER CORD PROGRAM****Coordinator: Taryn Showalter ( 319-825-544
**Purpose of Program****To instill within students the important role that quality community service has in building a successful, growing, community.

Requirements of ProgramThe Silver Cord Award is a distinguished service award available to Grundy Center High School students who earn at least 120 hours of community volunteer service from the start of their freshman year through April of their graduating year. At the Senior Awards program in May, recipients will receive a silver cord to wear on their robes at graduation in recognition of their achievement. Those moving into the district after the start of their freshman year may have hours requirements pro-rated.****The Century Club Award: A student who completes 100 hours of volunteer service in a single school year, with documentation, will be eligible for the Century Club Award. This award can be earned in any or all of your high school years and may include hours that benefit one organization. These students will be recognized at the High School awards ceremony at the end of the school year.

**NOTE: It was previously a requirement that a student could not earn more than 40 hours of service at one location. While we still encourage students to volunteer at a variety of locations/organizations, we have since eliminated that requirement. If there are any questions about hours, please contact Mrs. Showalter (

Important details regarding the Silver Cord/Century Club Awards:

**Important details regarding the Silver Cord/Century Club Awards:****•

Documentation: Students MUST document all service activities on the Silver Cord/Century Club Award Form provided by the Grundy Center Dollars for Scholars Committee – one form for each site or project, signed by a supervisor at the site. (A note confirming the students’ service signed by the supervisor at the project is also acceptable. It must be attached to the Silver Cord form.) Forms can be submitted to the Silver Cord Awards coordinator at any time during the year. There is no specific deadline for underclassmen to submit forms, although it is best to turn them in as soon as they are completed. Seniors should submit all Silver Cord forms by April of their senior year. Documentation for the Century Club award must be submitted to the Coordinator by the deadline of the year receiving the award. This deadline is usually communicated in April of the graduating year. 

• Summer Service: Service hours earned during the summer after the academic year may be applied toward EITHER the prior or following school year – student’s choice. (For example, the summer after sophomore year can apply toward either the freshman/sophomore hours or the junior/seniors hours or be divided between the two as needed). Students should pick up blank Silver Cord Award forms before the end of school to use for documenting summer service. Completed forms should be kept by the student until they return to school in the fall. The Silver Cord Awards Coordinator will be responsible for keeping students’ Silver Cord files.

• Acceptable service activities: Silver Cord/Century Club hours must be for providing a service or meeting a clear need for a non profit agency, church, school, park, charity program, fundraiser or community event.

**Examples of activities that would not be acceptable: GCHS sports team managing; most GCHS music program events (unless not a member of the organization); concession stand or fundraising events in which proceeds benefit a GCHS program the student is involved in.

Purpose of Program

SILVER CORD PROGRAM****Coordinator: Taryn Showalter (**) 319-825-5449

Purpose of ProgramTo instill within students the important role that quality community service has in building a successful, growing, community.

Requirements of ProgramThe Silver Cord Award is a distinguished service award available to Grundy Center High School students who earn at least 120 hours of community volunteer service from the start of their freshman year through April of their graduating year. At the Senior Awards program in May, recipients will receive a silver cord to wear on their robes at graduation in recognition of their achievement. Those moving into the district after the start of their freshman year may have hours requirements pro-rated.

**The Century Club Award: A student who completes 100 hours of volunteer service in a single school year, with documentation, will be eligible for the Century Club Award. This award can be earned in any or all of your high school years and may include hours that benefit one organization. These students will be recognized at the High School awards ceremony at the end of the school year.

Silver Cord Hours CANNOT BE:

~ To satisfy a class or requirement by any agency, program or organization**

~ Court-mandated community service****

~ For a relative****

~ For pay or compensation of any kind****

~ Travel to and from volunteer activities**